Tunis Sheep

Our Sheep

We raise red-haired and white-wooled sheep known as Tunis Sheep; being that they come from Tunisia, Africa. The Tunis are a dual-purpose breed for both wool and meat. As a result, Tunis Sheep meat is some of the the best tasting meat of any sheep breed. The wool is also perfect for spinning, dyeing and weaving. These sheep are what the Bible refers to when it speaks of the "fat of the tail" in the Old Testament sacrifices.

Our Sheep are the driving force behind our land restoration project. We move them every day in the morning onto new grass. We try to rest the land 60 days before putting them back on the same pasture. Consequently, they have little to no parasites year-round. This is called "mob grazing". Mob grazing is necessary to promote healthy roots and diversity of plants for the animals to graze on. Without this, the sheep will consistently prefer the best, most nutritious grass and eventually kill off whatever grass tries to grow back before it can get established again.

We currently have about 23 sheep, including lambs.

If you're interested in buying some of our Tunis Sheep or have any questions, please contact us, we would love to hear from you.