Food Forest

Our Trees

Welcome to our food forest. We have many different kinds of fruit and nut trees as well as a few types of deciduous trees, some of them being nitrogen-fixing to help support and fortify the fruit trees or to act as a windbreak and to make the soil more fungal. Some of the trees that we have planted include: Apples, Eve's Necklaces, Figs, Jujubes, Black Locusts, Mulberries, Peaches, Pears, Pecans, Persimmons, Pines, Plums, Pomegranates, Mayhaws, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Loquats, and a few others. We have tried to plant a couple or few varieties of each kind of tree to not only see differences in taste but to see how each tree handles the same pests and conditions in our area.

Companion Planting

We have many different varieties of companion plants planted at the base of each tree. Some of these may be comfrey, elephant garlic, nastritium, etcetera. These plants have many different functions such as deterring bugs and pests, root eating larvae, bad microbiology (such as root-eating nematodes, anaerobic fungi and bacteria) and fire ants. They not only help against the negative, but these companion plants can help to bring the helpful bugs and creatures that could actually help the tree grow past what it could do by itself.

In between each fruit or nut tree, we have planted smaller shrubs or vine berries, like blackberries, goji berries, gooseberries and elderberries. From these, we can make jams and jellies, dehydrate or eat them raw!